Tuesday, September 20, 2016

My Favorite Year

My Dearest Aria,

Today you are 1 year old. I have learned so much over this past year, and the months leading up to it, and want to share a little of what becoming your mommy has meant for me. I say becoming, but at times I imagine my whole life I have been your mom. In reality, it is a miracle to think that I did in fact carry half of you with me my entire life before you were conceived. But, besides that, you were predestined for our family, and I have fallen in love with my life on a deeper level than I have ever experienced before, since the day we found out I was pregnant with you.
1. When I take you with me into the world, you remind me that there are so many wonderful, good people out there. Every smile and mini conversation that you spark from strangers, people that stop what they are doing to let us through and give you a wink or ask to take your picture just because God has given you a face that emits joy. You are full of so much light. I pray that you will always hold onto that light and share it with those lost in darkness.

2. Caring for you has convicted me to slow down and enjoy life. Over the past year I have had the sweetest moments taking naps with you in the morning, watching you squeal every time you see an animal (all of which you think are various sized bears), witnessing another satisfied curiosity that fascinates you to the point of laughter. I feel that when I get wrapped up in distractions I take away from your experiences as well. There is nothing better than sitting quietly next to you while we watch the cars drive by, or climb the stairs, or taste and feel new things. I've learned to put down the phone, (unless I'm recording =P) to rediscover what I had forgotten was cool or hilarious, and to let the time go sometimes... because that time is precious and most other stuff can wait. I've been blessed with this time with you and I would not waste it for the world.

3. I have learned what real love is. Of course, I fell in love with your dad a long time ago. That's why I married him. But, having you has made me fall deeper in love with him too! I realized how much we both could love this little person that we made together. I saw how deeply he fell in love with you when he met you, and I wasn't even jealous! I experienced the kind of sacrifice that doesn't feel like sacrifice when you love someone this much. It's something I know you won't fully understand until you have a baby of your own, but trust me, there is absolutely no other love as strong as a mommy or daddy's love. There isn't a single thing you could do that would make me stop loving you.

4. Most of all, I have seen that God's plan for me is so much greater than anything I could ever come up with on my own. All the agonizing about attaining that perfect reality I once thought was ideal has been completely blown to smithereens because where I find myself now, I would never trade for that fantasy. God has shown me over and over again that he's got me, and Daddy, and you! And the adventures we have been having together on His path are way more fun than whatever I had planned.
These are only a few of the many things you have taught me without even knowing it! I am always learning and realizing how much there is left to learn. Each morning begins another day to grow in love and to experience life renewed. I am so thankful for you and the opportunity to see the world through your eyes. I had forgotten how beautiful and magical and funny this world around us really is. I want you to know that your Daddy and I agree that this has been the very best year of our lives so far, and we cannot wait for all the years to come watching you grow into the beautiful woman God has made you to be. We love you so much, but never forget, as much as this love for you overwhelms me sometimes to the point that it actually hurts; it fills my entire body and soul. Remember that Jesus loves you even more than that.
Happy birthday, baby girl. I am so honored to call myself your mommy.
Love you even more than Pooh Bear loves honey!
All the hugs and kisses!

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